B2Index Web Publishing Network


Global, Regional, and Local
Business Development
Content Marketing Platform

B2Index Web Publishing Network

Content That Connects - Brand Info, Authorship, and Social Media

Tools & Strategies for Small Brands and Content Creators to Build E-E-A-T Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust; and to Influence the Buyer Sales Cycle Process

Exploration > Discovery > Research > Engagement > Commitment 

Create, Display, and Syndicate Useful Information

Member Profiles, Dynamic Business Listings, Classifieds, Jobs, Events, Authorship News & Articles, Podcasts, Courses, Sports, Landing Pages and Complete Professional Websites/Blogs
Loaded with Tools

Automate and Outsource

Free and Paid Options

Use Your Membership Profile &
Content Areas to
Get Seen in More Places, By More People

Web Publishing Network

Give People and Search Engines
What They're Looking For
  • Do-it-Yourself DIY   
  • Done-For-You DFY   
  • Do-It-For-Others DFO  

Niche Community
Business Development

Use the Power of
Cooperative Digital Marketing
Shared Resources Get More Results
and Reduce Costs

Access Tools, Resources, and Services to
Help Small Businesses & Organizations
Get Discovered and Convert Customers

Web Publishing Cooperative Marketing

Affordable & Effective Solutions for
Small Businesses, Organizations,
Content Creators,
Freelancers, and Agencies
  • Connect Useful Content to Your Brand Identity
  • Aggregate and Syndicate Information
  • Funnel People to Your Best Point of Contact
  • Get More Results from Existing Content
  • Take More Control Over the Sales Cycle
  • Take Advantage of Cooperative Cross Promotion
  • Cross-Channel/Multichannel Automation
  • Get Noticed By More People in More Places
  • Google Friendly Marketing
  • Ideal for Human Content Creators
  • Shared Resources Cut Costs
  • Low Overhead Value Marketing

"Set and forget", or make it part of the daily grind. Affordable, versatile and flexible - use a few tools, or fully manage marketing tasks, online sales,
and the Sales Cycle using
CRM Customer Relationship Management.



Brought to you by SpicyPress, you know it's gotta be good...

SpicyPress Web Publishing
At the center of your network

It Starts with Free Membership



Content Marketing



DIY Do-it-Yourself

DFY Done-for-You

DFO Do-it-for-Others

Spicypress Cooperative Marketing

SpicyPress Cooperative Digital Marketing

Search the Network:

fine-tune search using controls on the right >>

B2Index Content Marketing

Join Other Content Creators and Small Brands to Generate Useful Information That Gets Noticed

Get More Results From Existing Work
Aggregate and Syndicate

People Are More Likely To Do Business With Someone They Can Easily Research

How do people know if something is Trustworthy?

Who determines what Authority means?

What makes someone an Expert?

How can you show Experience?

The concept is called E-E-A-T Score. Experience, Expertise, Authority, Trust.

E-A-T is mentioned over 130 times in Google quality rater guidelines. The intent and focus is upon "Content Creators". There isn't an actual formula or score number; but it's what both people and search engines try to figure out.

It's worth the effort to work on "authorship" to improve SERP search result position and CRO conversion rate optimization.

Buyers Seldom Decide the First Time They See an Offer for Products or Services

The "Sales Cycle" often involves Exploration, Discovery, Research, Engagement, and then... Commitment.

This process can be simple and happen quickly; or can be complex and require a lot of time, effort, and resources.

How do people discover you? What do they see when searching your company or product? Why should they keep coming back?

It's a challenge to diversify marketing strategies and find ways to stay engaged with existing and potential customers, but it's not impossible. And it can be surprisingly affordable.

Use Content To Improve Your Business
Get Noticed in More Places by More People

It starts and ends with what is important to your target audience. Do that and your readers will be more satisfied, search engines will notice, and your Brand SEO will improve across the web.

Make it easier for people to find your information on the platform they prefer (websites, mobile, social media). And deliver consistent messaging across channels.

Funnel prospective customers toward your best conversion point (ie. think about directing people on social media to come to your site where you can keep them focused and better control the sales cycle/relationship marketing). 

Consider life-time value of your customer/audience. Nurture real reviews, social sharing, mentions, & testimonials and make doing that easier to do.

Spend more effort solving customer problems than self-promotion.

Cooperative Marketing
Increases Results & Reduces Costs

Use the power of crowd-marketing and co-citations to boost authority and focus relevancy.

Use 'Google-friendly' best-practice automation and syndication to get content seen by more people in different places.

Small Business MarketingSomething often overlooked: Effective content marketing requires attention to things like 'entity' and 'data relationships' in addition to trending & evergreen 'topic clusters', reader 'intent', or keyword research.

Content Creators associated with your Brand should have verified profiles that support E-E-A-T.

Refer to solutions & answers that are found elsewhere (ie. talk about - and link to - your primary site as solving a problem, and/or refer to authoritative sources, etc.).

Reuse. Recycle. Automate. Outsource.
Get More Mentions.

Everybody Has a Story to Tell

The Difficult Part is Making It Worthwhile and Getting It Seen by More People

Content Distributed on B2Index is Not Just Interesting to People, but Establishes
Content Creator Expertise, Authority, and Trust

How Hot Can You Make It?

How Hot Can You Make It?

B2Index is a SpicyPress Web Publishing project. This means we're committed to helping small businesses and organizations compete against larger conglomerates and corporations.

We leverage an array of premium quality tools with innovative best practices. We try to balance the Time, Money, and Effort it takes to have a successful online business presence.

We help people figure out how to do things themselves; we provide contract services; and encourage 3rd-party agencies and freelancers to assist their customers using our shared resources.

Basically, we start by hosting a place to create, display, aggregate, and syndicate content and establish member profile E-A-T.
Additional resources cover a wide range of marketing tasks.

Content Marketing That Connects

How Ideas Get Published

Content Marketing That Connects Brand Info, Authorship, and Social Media

Balance the Time, Money, & Effort
that Successful Online Marketing Requires

  • Do-it-Yourself DIY   
  • Done-For-You DFY   
  • Do-It-For-Others DFO 

Google Friendly Marketing

Google Friendly Marketing

Take Advantage of the Crowd

Make Info Easier to Find, Get More Mentions,
In More Places, in Front of More People

A Web Publishing Network is about 'Google Friendly' best-practice Brand Identity, Authorship, Automation, and Syndication.

Network sites can aggregate your posts from social media and other blogs/sites (including real reviews from Google, Facebook, Yelp, Tripadvisor, AirBnB).

Created content gets distributed and shared. Large scale 'topic clusters' funnel attention toward solutions (your offer). Co-citation and co-occurrence establish relevancy and boost authority.

It's easier for people to find information they want, and gives search engines the 'data relationship' that ties 'entity' to authority, and ultimately search results. This in turn has a positive effect on CRO conversion rate optimization (i.e. close more customers).

Shared resources and automation cut costs dramatically. 

  • Do-it-Yourself DIY   
  • Done-For-You DFY   
  • Do-It-For-Others DFO  

Web PublishingWho Uses the Web Publishing Network

B2Index serves the needs of:

1) end-user customers looking for product and services information;

2) small businesses and organizations building online presence and reputation;

3) B2C/B2B vendors serving these markets;

4) 3rd-party contractors, freelancers & agencies, content creators, marketers, designers, SEO, and developers supporting digital marketing.

People can find the info they care about and use the channels they prefer.  Businesses can establish Expertise, Authority, and Trust; and influence the sales cycle.

Marketers that rely on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest, etc. will get more results from the work you're already doing - adding lasting value to your brand. Automation can syndicate from posts/blogs hosted here to your social media accounts (requires setting up API's). Dynamic directory listings present a wide array of useful and interesting information and content feeds.

Available tools handle many, if not most, tasks needed to improve online marketing from simple one-time tasks to complex strategies involving full-time work. Do a little... or a lot... to boost E-A-T and influence the Sales Cycle.

DIY Do It Yourself

From new beginner to advanced pros, tools and resources make things quicker, easier, and more effective. Based upon Wordpress, lots of documentation or help is available to figure out what you can do.

DFY Done For You

The community network is all about balancing Time, Money, and Effort. Use your own developer/creator or hire from our resource directory.

DFO Do it for Others

3rd Party contractors are welcome to assist members with tasks and projects. Agencies are expected to take advantage of the low cost and effective best practice digital marketing.

While engineered for local businesses, larger brands are welcome to participate and support the network. Especially those that want to communicate with small business owners, professional marketers, and other interested people. 

B2Index Web Publishing Network

Post Useful and Interesting Information - Connect It To Your Brand

SpicypressSimple Tasks or Complex Strategies

Content Area Tools and Services

B2Index Business Development platforms feature tools, strategies, and services to influence & control the Sales Cycle and improve E-A-T Scores (Expertise, Authority, Trust).

Lead generation, social media marketing, CRO conversion rate optimization, and SEO are built-in.

It's all about connecting useful information to places where people can find it. And making sure content creators and brands get the recognition they deserve. 

  • Do-it-Yourself DIY   
  • Done-For-You DFY   
  • Do-It-For-Others DFO 


Member Profiles

Establishing E-A-T for content creators and brands starts off easy with a member profile. This is where 'data relationships' meet 'entity'.  connect relevant Activity and Content to Your Social Media and Website(s).

Membership is Free and premium upgrades provide access to an impressive war chest of effective tools.

Google search evaluator guidelines put an emphasis on 'content creators'. Considering the source of information as part of search algorithms has become more sophisticated and its an often neglected part of content marketing.

We see Googlebot prioritizing, crawling, and indexing profiles and user activity. 

Signing up and completing your B2Index Member Profile is the first step toward boosting your E-A-T Score!

Associate your identity with relevant content, activity, and social media.  Get Started

Network Participation Begins with Memberships

  • Start By Creating Your Free Account
    (please use email that you use for business, gmail good)
  • Add Profile & Cover Images
  • Your Bio Description, Location
  • Links to Your Social Media Profiles
  • Contact Info (privacy options, phone, email)

Upgrade from Basic to Featured Member, then

  • Add Links to Web2.0 / Website
  • Links to Reviews (Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor, Yelp)
  • Links to Google My Business

Featured Member access includes:

  •  Event Listings
  •  Job Listings
  •  Service Discounts
  •  Member RSS Promotion
  •  Post Quick Content/Stories

News, Stories, TopicsAuthorship: Topic Articles, News & Stories

Member submitted "helpful solution" content including news, tips & advice articles, and company/product/service updates.

B2Index Web Publishing Networks are about 'Google Friendly' best-practice Brand Identity, Authorship, Automation, and Syndication.

B2Index Topic content is a great approach for both established and emerging brands and content creators looking to get their work seen in front of new audiences.

Make a direct connection between relevant useful content and your brand identity and content creator profile. Point to other websites as a solution/answer to problems/questions people are interested in.

Keep in mind that Google stresses evaluating 'authors' when calculating SERP search results.

Problem-solving content found across the internet will boost E-A-T; and it will increase the chances of getting discovered and improve perception when potential customers do research. This, in turn, boosts CRO conversion rate optimization when people are ready to buy.

Appropriate syndication automation gets more results with a lot less effort. Articles posted on the network will benefit from co-citation / co-occurrence RSS feed promotion and social sharing.

Automated Syndication You also have the option to syndicate to multiple social media accounts (including Google Business Profile!).

[please note this is about building authorship credibility, it's not an anonymous spammy low-quality PBN]

'Authorship' article posting is a premium option for members with choice of one time posting or monthly quotas. Start by creating your authority profile on B2Index.

After creating your B2Index Member Profile you'll have access to creating content.


Business DirectoryDirectory Listings

Business citations with a difference. Listings feature detailed information about brands, companies, and organizations.

It's not only easy for people to find your static info (NAP etc.) but they can see dynamic updated feeds from social media and blogs, and follow links to what they care about.

Dynamic updated feeds from social media & other content sources keep readers, Google, and Bing coming back to see what's new. Links to your social and Google reviews, as well as, your Google Business Profile (map and places data) add even more value.

Much more than just an online business card.

Directory listings are a premium option available to members. Get Started by signing up on B2Index and creating your profile. 

After creating your B2Index Member Profile you'll have access to creating content.


Job BoardJob Board

Post or apply for jobs.

In-house, outsourced, permanent, or temporary. Fulfill your staffing requirements, or land that next career move or short-term gig.

A great way to gain trust and authority, and to generate engagement and mentions.

Job Board listings are free for featured members. Begin by signing up on B2Index and creating your profile.

After creating your B2Index Member Profile you'll have access to creating content.


Events CalendarEvents Calendar

Read or post upcoming events including webinars.

Google loves to index events and follows links.

Very good for building trust, authority, and expertise while making more people aware of what's going on with your organization and industry.

Event listings are free for featured members. Begin by signing up on B2Index and creating your profile.

After creating your B2Index Member Profile you'll have access to creating content.


SpicyPress Website HostingWebsite Hosting
Blog Hosting
Landing Page Hosting

(with premium plugins & themes)

Full-featured premium quality websites/landing pages/tier 1 blogs for emerging brands and industry bloggers.

Ideal for content and relationship marketing. Create targeted lead generation landing pages and/or supercharge your blogging. Distribute and post feed content.

Based upon Wordpress. Pre-designed templates and page builders make things quick and easy. Exportable content (you own the data). 

Websites can use your domain https://yoursite.com or simply use https://spicypress.com/yoursite/.

Managed hosting with unmatched value with built-in SEO and access to high-quality collection of premium themes and plugins. Find out more details about Marketing Websites.

Website For Rent

SpicyPress USes Wordpress

After creating your B2Index Member Profile you'll have access to creating content.


MarketplaceProducts & Services Marketplace

Don't miss-out on latest deals.



Generous referral rewards earn affiliate income and we encourage participation by 3rd-party independent freelancers and agencies.


Read more about Partners

Start by Setting up Your Free
Member Profile